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Past seminars

The Working Group on the Study and Development of Psychoanalysis offers a list of seminars conducted by contemporary psychoanalysts who have received worldwide recognition.

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Online seminar by Gilbert Diatkine (France)
Interpretation of transference and interpretation in transference

Feb. 5-6, 2022.

Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), training analyst and supervisor, titular member of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society, ex-president of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society.
Dr. Gilbert Dyatkin was a longtime deputy director and teacher at the PIEE (Han Groen-Prakken Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe).
Dr. Gilbert Dyatkin has made a great contribution to the development of psychoanalysis in Eastern Europe, he is the author of many articles and three books: From Child Observation to Therapy, 1977, Transformations of Psychopathy, 1983, Jacques Lacan, 1998.


Online seminar
Jean-Michel Kinodo (Switzerland)
Oedipus and the two pairs of his parents: 
Oedipus rejected and adopted

30 January 2022. 
15:00 - 19:00 MSK

Training analyst and supervisor of the Swiss Psychoanalytic Society, Distinguished Fellow of the British Psychoanalytic Society. From 1994 to 2003 - editor of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis in Europe, from 2003 to 2014 - editor-in-chief of the yearbook of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, published in several European languages, including Russian.
He is known as an author who continues to develop the ideas of Melanie Klein. His name ranks with such of her followers as Wilfred Bion, Herbert Rosenfeld, Edna O'Shaughnessy, Donald Meltzer, Betty Joseph, Hannah Segal, Michael Feldman, John Steiner, Ronald Britton, Robert Hinshelwood, David Bell....
He is the author of more than 80 articles on psychoanalysis published in different languages, the author of books translated into Russian: “Taming Solitude: Separation Anxiety in Psychoanalysis” and “Reading Freud: A Study of Freud's Works in Chronological Perspective” and a book in English “Dreams Turning the Page”.
In 2010 he received the Mary Sigourney Award, given for outstanding achievement in promoting the ideas of psychoanalysis worldwide.


Online seminar
Meeting with Irma Brenman Pick (UK)

January 16, 2022. 
16:00 - 20:00 MSK

Training analyst and supervisor, Honorary Member of the British Psychoanalytic Society. Served as Chair of the IPA Education Committee. Subsequently became President of the British Psychoanalytic Society. She is one of the key figures of the post-Kleinian movement in psychoanalysis. She has had the opportunity to interact with Anna Freud and Melanie Klein, her supervisors were Herbert Rosenfeld and Wilfred Bion, and her teachers were Paula Heimann, Esther Bick, Betty Joseph, and Hannah Segal. 
Her publications On Adolescence, Working Through Countertransference, Caring: Imaginary and Real, and Male Sexuality, published in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, have made major contributions to contemporary psychoanalysis. She has taught in many countries including Australia, Brazil, Germany, Israel, India, Italy, Scandinavian countries, USA and South Africa. She is a practicing adult and child analyst and lecturer at the Tavistock Clinic and the British Institute of Psychoanalysis.
We will get to know an outstanding personality who has made a huge contribution to psychoanalysis and its history. Irma Brenman Pick will share her wealth of professional experience in the first part of the meeting, and in the second part of the meeting we will get to know her unique style of working during the supervision of a clinical case.

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Online seminar by Marilia Eisenstein (France)
The Mysterious Leap of the Samotic into the Psyche

December 5, 2021.
15:00 - 19:00 MSK

Training analyst and supervisor at the Paris Psychoanalytic Society and the Greek Psychoanalytic Society, ex-president of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society.
Chairman of the International Committee of New Groups (ING) IPA. Co-chair of the annual Francophone Congress. Worked for 20 years at the Paris Psychosomatic Institute and was the European representative on the IPA Executive Committee.
Author of several books and many articles in French, English and Greek. Her latest book was published in 2020, now being translated into English under the title: “Desire, Pain and Thought”.

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Online seminar
Anders Zachrisson (Norway)
Interpretation and containerization

November 21, 2021.
12:00 - 16:00 MSK

Training analyst at the Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society (IPA). Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Oslo. Psychoanalyst for children, adolescents and adults.
1993-1997. - Editor of the Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review. 2002-2006. - President of the Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher, program director of the PIEE School of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis (Han Groen-Prakken Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe), psychotherapy training programs in Beijing and Wuhan. Served on the Sponsoring and then the Liaison Committee for the Moscow Psychoanalytic Society.
Author of many articles on psychoanalysis. Selected articles on psychoanalysis by A. Zachrisson will be published this year under the title “Psychoanalysis my way. Complex Oedipus and other issues”.

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Online seminar
Anders Zachrisson (Norway)
The externalized object and the real person

October 31, 2021.
12:00 - 16:00 MSK

Training analyst at the Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society (IPA). Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Oslo. Psychoanalyst for children, adolescents and adults.
1993-1997. - Editor of the Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review. 2002-2006. - President of the Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher, program director of the PIEE School of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis (Han Groen-Prakken Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe), psychotherapy training programs in Beijing and Wuhan. Served on the Sponsoring and then the Liaison Committee for the Moscow Psychoanalytic Society.
Author of many articles on psychoanalysis. Selected articles on psychoanalysis by A. Zachrisson will be published this year under the title “Psychoanalysis my way. Complex Oedipus and other issues”.


Online seminar
David Bell (UK)
Knowledge and its counterfeits

October 16, 2021. 
11:00 - 15:00 MSK

David Bell is an eminent researcher of the unconscious; a British psychoanalyst (IPA); a psychiatrist at the Tavistock Clinic (London); and a former president and training analyst of the British Psychoanalytic Society. Working in the tradition of Freud, Klein and Bion, D. Bell has made a significant contribution to the development of psychoanalytic theory and practice.He has numerous publications on psychoanalytic theory and technique and on the relationship between psychoanalysis and literature, medicine, philosophy, and politics.

On October 16, 2021, David Bell continues his series of online seminars on current issues in psychoanalysis, which will consist of two parts: theoretical (2 hours) and clinical (1.5 hours) with translation into Russian. 


Online seminar
Jean-Michel Kinodo (Switzerland)
Separation anxiety

October 03, 2021
15:00 - 19:00 MSK

Training analyst and supervisor of the Swiss Psychoanalytic Society, Distinguished Fellow of the British Psychoanalytic Society. From 1994 to 2003 - editor of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis in Europe, from 2003 to 2014 - editor-in-chief of the yearbook of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, published in several European languages, including Russian.
He is known as an author who continues to develop the ideas of Melanie Klein. His name ranks with such of her followers as Wilfred Bion, Herbert Rosenfeld, Edna O'Shaughnessy, Donald Meltzer, Betty Joseph, Hannah Segal, Michael Feldman, John Steiner, Ronald Britton, Robert Hinshelwood, David Bell....
He is the author of more than 80 articles on psychoanalysis published in different languages, the author of books translated into Russian: “Taming Solitude: Separation Anxiety in Psychoanalysis” and “Reading Freud: A Study of Freud's Works in Chronological Perspective” and a book in English “Dreams Turning the Page”.
In 2010 he received the Mary Sigourney Award, given for outstanding achievement in promoting the ideas of psychoanalysis worldwide.


Online seminar
Hannah Solemani (UK)
Characteristics of adolescents:
Developmental difficulties. Identity disorders. Creativity.

September 18, 2021.
11:00 - 15:00 MSK

She is a training psychoanalyst and supervisor and a full member of the Institute of Psychoanalysis (London).
Hannah is in private practice and has worked at the Brent Center for Young People for over 20 years, counseling adolescents and supervising center staff.
She teaches and supervises on several Training Courses including the Institute of Psychoanalysis (London) and was Chair of its courses for 5 years. Hannah also teaches and supervises abroad and continues to run workshops in Russia, which she has been running for 9 years.
She previously worked at Arbours Crisis Center (London) for over 10 years as a group leader and supervisor. She taught in the Arbours training program and was its supervisor for many years.


Online seminar
Jean-Michel Kinodo (Switzerland)
Projection and projective identification

28 August 2021. 
15:00 - 19:00 MSK

Training analyst and supervisor of the Swiss Psychoanalytic Society, Distinguished Fellow of the British Psychoanalytic Society. From 1994 to 2003 - editor of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis in Europe, from 2003 to 2014 - editor-in-chief of the yearbook of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, published in several European languages, including Russian.
He is known as an author who continues to develop the ideas of Melanie Klein. His name ranks with such of her followers as Wilfred Bion, Herbert Rosenfeld, Edna O'Shaughnessy, Donald Meltzer, Betty Joseph, Hannah Segal, Michael Feldman, John Steiner, Ronald Britton, Robert Hinshelwood, David Bell....
He is the author of more than 80 articles on psychoanalysis published in different languages, the author of books translated into Russian: “Taming Solitude: Separation Anxiety in Psychoanalysis” and “Reading Freud: A Study of Freud's Works in Chronological Perspective” and a book in English “Dreams Turning the Page”.
In 2010 he received the Mary Sigourney Award, given for outstanding achievement in promoting the ideas of psychoanalysis worldwide.

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Online seminar by Marilia Eisenstein (France)

July 18, 2021.
15:00 - 18:00 MSK

Training analyst and supervisor at the Paris Psychoanalytic Society and the Greek Psychoanalytic Society, ex-president of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society.
Chairman of the International Committee of New Groups (ING) IPA. Co-chair of the annual Francophone Congress. Worked for 20 years at the Paris Psychosomatic Institute and was the European representative on the IPA Executive Committee.
Author of several books and many articles in French, English and Greek. Her latest book was published in 2020, now being translated into English under the title: “Desire, Pain and Thought”.


Online seminar by David Bell (UK)
Ideas of Herbert Rosenfeld

June 26, 2021.
11:00 - 15:00 MSK

David Bell is an eminent researcher of the unconscious; a British psychoanalyst (IPA); a psychiatrist at the Tavistock Clinic (London); and a former president and training analyst of the British Psychoanalytic Society. Working in the tradition of Freud, Klein and Bion, D. Bell has made a significant contribution to the development of psychoanalytic theory and practice. He has numerous publications on psychoanalytic theory and technique and on the relationship between psychoanalysis and literature, medicine, philosophy and politics.

This seminar is dedicated to the famous British psychoanalyst Herbert Rosenfeld, a student of Melanie Klein, known for his innovative ideas for overcoming impasses in working with difficult patients and for discovering aspects of pathological narcissism. Herbert Rosenfeld made important contributions to the understanding of the mechanisms of psychosis, and deepened the Kleinian approach to the functioning of borderline and neurotic patients.

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Online seminar by Gilbert Dyatkin (France)
Why not a couch?

May 29, 2021.
15:30 - 19:30 MSK

Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), training analyst and supervisor, titular member of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society, ex-president of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society.
Dr. Gilbert Dyatkin was a longtime deputy director and teacher at the PIEE (Han Groen-Prakken Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe).
Dr. Gilbert Dyatkin has made a great contribution to the development of psychoanalysis in Eastern Europe, he is the author of many articles and three books: From Child Observation to Therapy, 1977, Transformations of Psychopathy, 1983, Jacques Lacan, 1998.

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Online seminar by Marilia Eisenstein (France)
Modern approach to psychosomatics

24 April 2021.
16:00 - 20:00 MSK

Training analyst and supervisor at the Paris Psychoanalytic Society and the Greek Psychoanalytic Society, ex-president of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society.
Chairman of the International Committee of New Groups (ING) IPA. Co-chair of the annual Francophone Congress. Worked for 20 years at the Paris Psychosomatic Institute and was the European representative on the IPA Executive Committee.
Author of several books and many articles in French, English and Greek. Her latest book was published in 2020, now being translated into English under the title: “Desire, Pain and Thought”.

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Online seminar by Endel Talvik (Estonia)
Narcissus and Echo

14 March 2021.
11:00 - 14:20 MSK

Associate Director of EPI (European Psychoanalytic Institute), ex-president and director of the Training Committee of the Estonian-Latvian Society for Psychoanalysis, IPA training analyst, author of the monograph “Narcissism”
An original view on the phenomenon of narcissism in norm and pathology will be presented to your attention.


Online seminar by David Bell (UK)

February 27, 2021.
11:00 - 14:20 MSK

David Bell is an eminent researcher of the unconscious; a British psychoanalyst (IPA); a psychiatrist at the Tavistock Clinic (London); and a former president and training analyst of the British Psychoanalytic Society. Working in the tradition of Freud, Klein and Bion, D. Bell has made a significant contribution to the development of psychoanalytic theory and practice. He has published extensively on psychoanalytic theory and technique and on the relationship between psychoanalysis and literature, medicine, philosophy, and politics.

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Online seminars of Antonius Stafkens (Netherlands)
“The microcosm of unconscious spontaneity. On the terrible and primitive aspects of the self”
“Out of the depths of the soul. Pathways of interactions in the analytic encounter”

23 and 25 February 2021.
20:00 - 22:00 MSK

Renowned Dutch training psychoanalyst. Ex-president and honorary member of the Dutch Psychoanalytic Association. Training analyst of the Dutch Psychoanalytic Society. Together with Han Groen-Prakken he founded the Amsterdam Psychoanalytic Training Program for Eastern Europe and was its director for 10 years. For many years he trained and lectured at the Han Groen-Prakken Institute of Psychoanalysis for Eastern Europe (PIEE) at the IPA. He has chaired and served on visiting or research committees of PIEE / EPF and IPA.
He has written a large number of informative articles on topics relevant to psychotherapists and analysts: on the clinical use of dreams, psychoanalytic technique, analytic ethics, trust building, shame, the initial interview, and other relevant aspects of psychoanalytic work.


Online seminar by David Bell (UK)
Narcissism in the works of Z. Freud and M. Klein

30 January 2021.
11:30 - 14:50 MSK

David Bell is an eminent researcher of the unconscious; a British psychoanalyst (IPA); a psychiatrist at the Tavistock Clinic (London); and a former president and training analyst of the British Psychoanalytic Society. Working in the tradition of Freud, Klein and Bion, D. Bell has made a significant contribution to the development of psychoanalytic theory and practice. He has published extensively on psychoanalytic theory and technique and on the relationship between psychoanalysis and literature, medicine, philosophy, and politics.


Online seminar by Michel Vincent (France)
Nebenmensch, Nebenmenschen and Ethics

January 10, 2021.
16:00 - 18:00 MSK

The lack of knowledge of Freud's seminal works is felt by many. Michel Vincent, one of the most profound researchers of Freud, a student and collaborator of André Green, is a well-known French psychoanalyst, child analyst, psychiatrist, professor emeritus at the Alfred Binet Center (Paris), full member and training analyst of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society. For many years he trained and lectured at the Han Groen-Prakken Institute of Psychoanalysis for Eastern Europe (PIEE). Author of the book “The Disease of Adolescence” translated into Russian.

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Online seminar by Endel Talvik (Estonia)
Oedipus. Before and after

December 20, 2021.
11:00 - 14:20 MSK

Talvik - IPA member, training analyst, supervisor and President of the Estonian-Latvian Psychoanalytic Society, member of the IPA monitoring committee for new groups, deputy director and lecturer at the European Psychoanalytic Institute (EPI).

Check out future seminars in the series


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