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Online seminar
Hannah Solemani (UK)
Characteristics of adolescents
Developmental difficulties. Identity disorders. Creativity.

September 18, 2021.
12:00 - 16:00 MSK

Training analyst and supervisor (IPA). 
Full Member of the Institute of Psychoanalysis (London).

Private practicing psychoanalyst.
Has worked at the Brent Center for Young People for over 20 years as a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist for adolescents, as well as a supervisor for staff.

She teaches and supervises at the Training Courses of the Institute of Psychoanalysis (London) where she was Chair of Training Programs for 5 years.
For over 10 years she was the manager and supervisor of the Arbours Crisis Center (London).
Trains and supervises abroad, in particular, for 9 years she has been conducting regular seminars for the Melanie Klein Trust in St. Petersburg.

Schedule, cost and payment

12:00 - 14:00 MSK Theoretical part and discussion
14:30 - 16:00 MSK Clinical part (supervision).

Translation into Russian is provided.


To register for the seminar, please fill out the registration form, pay for the seminar to Tinkoff Bank card: 4377 7237 6252 8390 (Alena Sergeevna M. / Alena Muraveva) and send the receipt of payment to Alena by e-mail to receive a link to the zoom platform. It is also possible to pay via Western Union to the card number and PayPal to e-mail (when paying via PayPal, please take into account the size of PayPal commission). 
If you have questions about payment, please call: +7 904 642-63-02 (Alena).


The cost of the seminar if paid before September 15 - 3000 p.,
                                                            after September 15 - 3500 p.,

  for IPA and Working Group candidates:
                                            if paid before September 15 - 2500 p.,
                                                             after September 15 - 3000 p.

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