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Gary Goldsmith

Гарри Голдсмит

Gary Goldsmith - Training analyst and supervisor for the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and the Boston Institute for Psychoanalysis (IPA). Founder and director of psychiatric services for Russian-speakers at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. Psychiatrist.

Former Chairman of the CIS Training Committee of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsA). He has been a teacher of the PIEE (Han Groen-Prakken Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe) for many years.


“There are a few basic rules for analytic setting and working technique, but in addition there are many variables. The individual style and therapeutic technique depend in part on the theoretical approach, experience, and personality of the analyst. As a starting point for discussing technique in general, I want to show my way of working. The aim of the workshop is to help in the development of a personal therapeutic style and to demonstrate the rich variety of analytic approaches.”


Gary Goldsmith

Online seminars
Gary Goldsmith

On therapeutic technique. A psychoanalytic approach

23 June 2024

The Working Group for the Study and Development of Psychoanalysis invites you to participate in seminars by internationally recognized contemporary psychoanalysts


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